Configuring Lithernet Gateway

Configuring Lithernet Gateway


Before starting, it is important to note that for correct operation you must only connect your computer to the Lithernet device, there should be no other device on the network interrogating it.

Remember that the Lithernet gateway is a POE device, therefore, you must power it through the network cable. You can do this in two ways.

With a POE power supply. It is the easiest way if you are going to use a single Lithernet device. We leave you a small diagram of how to connect it.

Configuring Lithernet Gateway
Configuring Lithernet Gateway

This is the correct scheme for configuring each Lithernet using a POE switch.



Be careful, The diagram shown above is only for final operation, not for commissioning. Each Lithernet device comes from the factory with a default IP, which is the same in all of them.

Therefore, if you connect them as you see in the image, you will have an IP address conflict, and you will not be able to access the devices.

This scheme is valid for the moment in which you have associated with each Lithernet its distinct and definitive IP address.

Configuring Lithernet Gateway
Configuring Lithernet Gateway

In order to connect to the Lithernet device, you must give your computer a fixed IP address in the same range. Therefore, if the default Lithernet IP address is, your computer must have one that begins with 192.168.1, and the last digits a number between 1 and 254, but it must not be 90. For example, 11, consequently, your IP address will be

We are not going to explain how to set an IP address on your computer, because you can easily find this on the internet.

Ok, once we have everything prepared, we are going to connect to our Lithernet. To do this, we open a browser and enter the address of our Lithernet:

Configuring Lithernet Gateway
Configuring Lithernet Gateway

We confirm, and we will see, that the Lithernet screen appears in the browser, to select a username and password. This will only happen the first time, the following times it will only ask us for the data that we are going to enter now.

Once the username and password have been selected, we will click on ‘Continue’, at the bottom, and this will take us to the main page of the Lithernet interface.

At the top we can see a menu, within ‘General Setting’, we will click on ‘System’. 

Configuring Lithernet Gateway
Configuring Lithernet Gateway

This takes us to the next page, where we will click on ‘Wizard’.

This takes us to a page where we can select the integration protocol we want. We must choose ‘BacnetIP’ in the drop-down menu.

Configuring Lithernet Gateway
Configuring Lithernet Gateway

We click on ‘Next Step’, and this takes us to the following configuration page:

On this page, we must comment on several points that we indicate with red arrows in the image:

  • Local Device ID: This is the unique identifier of this BACnet device on the network, if you have several, all the addresses in this position must be different. If it is the first one you configure, you can leave it like this, but if you configure several, you must enter consecutive values ​​here, that is, the second will be 400002, and so on.
  • Use BroadcastWith this, we indicate whether we are going to use broadcast in our network or not. Broadcast is a technology that allows all devices to receive and execute a command by sending it to the network. In some cases, it is used for speed to turn on or off all devices on the network. You can execute any action on all devices, not just turning on and off, but dimming, changing RGB, etc. If you activate it, you will see that Lithernet includes a new control block with all the options for this type of control. By default, it will be disabled.
  • Device Count: It is the number of devices you want to export. It does not have to match the actual number of devices on your network. You should only enter the actual number if you need the data for each and every device on your network individually. This is not typical, but the normal thing is to control the lighting through groups or scenes. It is important to adjust to the real needs of your network, so if you do not need individual control you can put 0 here.
  • Group Count: If you have decided to control your lighting by groups, then here you must indicate their number, but if you are going to do it by scenes you can leave this value at 0.
  • Scene Count: You must indicate the number of scenes that you have configured on your Casambi network. This is only necessary if you are going to control your lighting by scenes, if you don’t use scenes, you can leave it at 0.

In general, it is crucial to adjust to the requirements as much as possible, since the ideal is to have as few control variables as possible. In this way, the data exchange between the Adquio controller and the Casambi network will be more efficient and faster.

When you have finished and reviewed all the values, click on the ‘Reboot’ button below.

Configuring Lithernet Gateway
Configuring Lithernet Gateway

While the system reboots, you will see this page.

Once the reboot is complete, the system will take you to this new page.

The last step you will need is to configure the network to suit your needs. To do this you will press the ‘Network’ button as you see in the image above:


Configuring Lithernet Gateway
Configuring Lithernet Gateway

On this page, we are going to configure the indicated values. Let’s go with it:

  • DHCP: It is a technology that allows the network to automatically assign IP addresses to each device. The problem is that we cannot predict what address it will assign us, and additionally the IPs provided automatically are temporary, so they can change over time. To read this device stably in the long term, we need this IP to be fixed forever, so we will disable this option.
  • IP-Address: This field is one of the most important to guarantee access to this device. We must select one IP in the range in which we are working, and we must give a different IP to each Lithernet if we work with more than one. If you are working with an Adquio Lite, its LAN range is 172.20.20.x. The Adquio Lite controller will be at IP address, so you can use any IP in that range except this one. If you use Adquio Mini, then your client must provide you with the IP set to use.
  • Subnet: Unless your client tells you otherwise, you can leave this field at the default value.
  • Gateway: This is the IP address that your Lithernet device will use to connect to other systems, it is its ‘Exit door‘. It is only necessary if you are going to activate services, such as connecting to the time-server. If you use Adquio Lite, the value will be If, however, you use Adquio Mini, this value must be provided by your client.
  • Nameserver 1 y 2: This is the service that will provide your Lithernet with the converting domain names to IP addresses. As in the previous case, it is only necessary if you need your Lithernet to access external services, such as the time-server.


Once all the values ​​are configured, we will click on ‘Save’, and at the bottom of this page on the ‘Reboot’ button

! Remember that if you have changed the IP, when you restart you will no longer be able to access your Lithernet with the current configuration of your device. This is normal, as at the beginning of this section, if you want to access it again, you must put your computer in the same range that you have put your Lithernet.
Configuring Lithernet Gateway

We are done, you must repeat this process with each of your Lithernets. Remember that you can configure them all the same, except the IP address and the BACnet address, which must be different.