At Adquio, we always try to make the work of our partners easier. In this case, we have created a special program that allows you to automatically convert the file downloaded from Yabe to a format directly compatible with Adquio.
You can download this program from here:
This program is currently available for Windows ©, and will soon be available for Mac © and GNU/Linux as well.
You will see that it is a compressed file, when you decompress it you will get an executable, you can put it directly on your desktop.
On Windows, executable programs downloaded from the Internet are always suspected of containing viruses, in this case we have downloaded it from a trusted website 🙂, so we can open it without problems. To do this, you must double-click on it, and you will get the following notice:
We will click on more information and…
We press the ‘Run anyway’ button, and finally we have our program ready to run.
The first thing will be to import the file from the previous step. To do this, press the button we indicated and select it.
Next, the program will load the file and automatically tell you what your output file will be. It will create a name with the current date and time so that they never conflict with others already created on your drive. It will leave it in the same folder as the source file with the name ‘conversion’, and then the current date and time.
At the moment, the program has not done anything, first we must select and indicate what we need for our specific case, let’s start:
Remember that we are generating a file so that Adquio can automatically read all the Lithernet values, therefore, all the data that we are going to indicate will be used to access the Current device:
Next, you can select what data you want Adquio to manage. We have previously done this in Lithernet when selecting what to export, but now we have the opportunity to detail our selection.
You will see that we have 4 main options indicated: Broadcast, Devices, Groups, and Scenes.
Here you must decide exactly what information you need your Adquio controller or your Screens or SCADA’s to manage. Let’s see what each section entails:
! | We remind you that we must select our needs as specifically as possible. Fewer variables = Better response speed. |
Let’s now see what we have within each option, we start with the most important ones:
The rest of the variables from here are related to lighting, color, saturation, tone of white, etc. Select only the ones you require, for example, if your installation does not have RGB, never select this option, as it adds many variables to the communication.
When you have finished your selection, you just have to press the ‘Run’ button, and the process of creating the output file will end.
Now you have two options:
You are done in this part.