
El ecosistema Adquio es más de lo que te contamos

The Adquio ecosystem is more than what we tell you

When we write about our programmable controllers, we rely on you to trust our honesty so that our message reaches you and you are convinced that what we tell you is real. In many cases, this reality can be forced...
Adquio SCADA Historic

Get more out of your Adquio SCADA Server/Cloud

As you know, our SCADA software is specifically designed for real-time control of your customers’ facilities. Both in its local version and in the Cloud version, this is its main mission. Have you explored the possibilities of working with historical...
Nortronic Adquio Partnership

Nortronic!, Welcome to the Adquio family

On behalf of all of us at Adquio, we are delighted to warmly welcome you to join us as our new partner in Norway! Founded in 1996 by visionary Rune Vidar Nordum, who continues to lead as CEO, Nortronic embodies...
Adquio Ecosystem your secret weapon

Adquio Ecosystem: Your secret weapon to reach more projects.

  In a world where project complexity and specific demands are increasingly common, it is essential to have technological tools that allow us to overcome any challenge. In this context, the Adquio Ecosystem helps you as the ultimate solution, offering...
Adquio Ecosystem

Adquio: Innovative Solutions for Data Collection and Exploitation

There have already been many occasions in which we have encountered a very similar situation when we arrived at a project. Many have already offered before. But all offer the customer very similar options. They can perform the control and...
adquio dynamic Lighting

Adquio and dynamic lighting

It is becoming more and more common to find buildings that have been designed dynamically. This means that from their conception they have been created to be easily adaptable to different uses or different needs. Close examples of this are...
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