Frequently asked questions about adquio and their answers

Preguntas y respuestas sobre adquio

For event-driven programming, is it necessary to do such programming in Java Script?

Yes, all Adquio programming is done in Java Script, the most widely used and easy to learn programming language today.

To communicate devices to Adquio, is it enough to register them and it recognizes them?

You need to configure a new device, give it a name and define all its variables.

How many users does Adquio allow?

There is no defined limit, but it would not be logical to go beyond 5 or 6 simultaneously.

What kind of alarms can Adquio generate?

In adquio there are 3 types of alarms:

  1. Those generated by the devices that we have connected, they transmit an alarm state to us and we retransmit it.
  2. Those generated by Adquio due to communication cuts with devices.
  3. Those created in programming by the user with their own criteria.

Is it possible to access Adquio for its configuration through the Adquio Cloud?

Yes, and it is the simplest and fastest method.

Is it possible to connect with Adquio by wifi?

Yes, Adquio generates a wifi that we can connect to for configuration or monitoring.

Can the device have the IP68 certificate to be used outdoors?

No, it is designed for indoor use in electrical panels, it needs ventilation and its certification is IP20.

Is it possible to connect Adquio through radio frequency?

No, there is currently no alternative to connect by radio frequency. In our roadmap we have an expansion module for 4G connectivity.

Is it possible to configure Adquio remotely?

Yes, and it is totally natural to do so. Through Adquio Cloud we can enter directly into the Adquio web interface and configure or program everything necessary for its start-up or monitoring.

Differences between having or not having an Adquio Cloud

If we don’t have the Adquio Cloud service, we lose:

  • The possibility of remote connection to it.
  • The possibility of storing historical data for later study.
  • The possibility of controlling the installation in real time through a SCADA.
  • The management of real time alarms.

What Adquio models allow expansion modules?

The models that allow lateral expansion on both sides are the Adquio Pro and Adquio Lite.

How safe is Adquio at the level of voltage spikes?

We must remember that all Adquio models are powered at 24 volts, so in any installation we will be powered from a power source in the electrical panel, these sources already isolate all the equipment that supply voltage peaks, but if We would receive one through the 24 volt line, we have a self-resettable fuse that will disconnect the Adquio from the power supply to protect it. On the other hand, all adquio, although they are powered at 24 volts, they support up to 30 with normal operation.

How safe is Adquio when accessing the equipment?

To connect to Adquio it is necessary to know your Wi-Fi password, or physically access the device and connect a cable to it. Later, if it is possible to reach the Web interface, it is necessary to know the username and password of a valid user.

What use is given to the USB Host?

The USB Host available in all Adquio models has different possible uses. On the one hand the expansion, in addition to the side ports all Adquios can also be expanded by its USB port through a conversion cable. It also opens up the possibility of adopting protocols such as Zigbee, Z Wave, Bluetooth LE, etc. in the future, all of them have a USB dongle that acts as a radio interface with each of their protocols.

What is the use of the Micro SD Slot?

The Adquio Pro and Adquio Lite models have an external Micro SD card slot. This is used as a temporary data store until it is uploaded to the cloud. In the event of a disconnection to the Internet, the data collected from the installation can be saved here for days or weeks. In normal operation the data that is saved is only minutes.

What are ports 485 used for?

The 485 are widely used in the automation sector, due to their versatility, efficiency, and low wiring cost.

Each 485 port supports data traffic of up to 115,200 bps and it is possible to connect dozens of devices in series in each of the ports, all the models of adquio have 4 all of them usable simultaneously and with the Modbus RTU and BacNet MS / TP protocols.

Scope of analog inputs and outputs

In the automation sector. There are many devices that need an analog signal for their operation as a control signal, as an example we could speak of valves, whose closing position is directly proportional to a signal from 0 to 10V, that is, with 10V it would be closed and with 5V it would be open 50%. In the same way, dampers for air ducts, dimmers, etc. work.

Range of digital inputs and outputs

Digital outputs are widely used, since it allows relays to be directly connected, which in turn allows us to control a wide range of devices such as motors, lighting, pumps, etc. On the other hand, the digital inputs allow to collect states, also very important to know the state of the installation, if a damper is closed, if a machine is in the alarm position, if a circuit is on, etc.

Port range for PT 1000 probes

The PT1000 probes have the quality of being very precise, very cheap and adapted to many scenarios and temperature ranges, which is why they are widely used in the automation sector. We will find probes of this type measuring ambient temperature, temperature of fluids in conduits, both liquid and gaseous, etc.

Can I power an Adquio pro and its expansions from the same source?

Yes, and it is the most common

For the Modbus RTU/BACnet MS/TP BUS, is there a special cable? Screened and grounded, Calibre?

There are several answers here:

  • For short distances (e.g. inside the frame) any two-wire or two separate wires will work.
  • For slightly longer distances two-wire shielded cable with the shield connected to the proper ground symbol that all our devices have on the bus connectors. For these cases, 2-wire twisted pair cable is also used. The section is the least important, it is a signal, not a power cable.

For the end of the loop or termination of the buses, is there a device I should connect?

Normally, nothing is put in as the devices already have an internal resistor. In very complex cases where this is critical, a 120 ohm resistor is placed bridging the two bus wires in the first and last device on the bus.