We will be at the closing ceremony of Galicia Avanza 21-2-2024

Galicia Avanza 21-2-2024

Next February 21, we will be participating in the event of the Acceleration Program for the Internationalization of SMEs #GaliciaAvanza, which will be held at the @parque-tecnoloxico-de-galicia. We are proud to be one of the 30 innovative SMEs selected for the 2023 edition of this program, which is now coming to an end for us.

During the day, we will have the opportunity to connect with other innovative Galician SMEs that, like ours, have been able to boost the internationalization of their services thanks to this initiative.

Hours: 10:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Place: Parque Tecnológico de Galicia (Tecnópole), Ourense.

We look forward to meeting you there and sharing experiences!

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