Adquio, the always up-to-date programmable controller

adquio updating from cloud

In all the time that you have been installing controllers in your company, whenever you leave a finished installation, you are left with the same feeling, “there it stays working, but … what will happen tomorrow?”.

You like technology and you stay informed, and every time you come across a news from You like technology and you stay informed, and every time you come across news of new security problems at #PLCs, you think of all your facilities and a feeling of discomfort invades you. You know that they are at risk and you know that you cannot personally return to each one to update them, “Who bears that cost?”

In the communications era and with the secure remote access that #adquio provides you, the sensations are totally different, since you know that it is always up to date, both at the system level and at the level of protocols and new functionalities. And as we explained in the previous post, you know that before any request for changes by your client you can attend it without delay.

Now, in addition to living with a clear conscience, you can sell this functionality to your client. Tienes un nuevo argumento de venta que ahorra en costes y agiliza el mantenimiento. Your client is happy with the service you offer and you will sleep a little more peacefully at night.

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