Hello again! In our previous publication we informed you about this. We have been working for a long time on the international expansion of the Adquio Ecosystem. Our goal is clear: to present our entire ecosystem. Not one or several of our devices and services, it had to be all of them.
Well, the time has come to officially announce that the Adquio Ecosystem is now in the USA!
It has not been easy, it has been many months of joint work, but after much effort and perseverance, Adquio arrives in the U.S. with the support and collaboration of Casambi USA.
As you can imagine, we couldn’t be happier and more satisfied, and we are already preparing our first big event in the USA.
Shortly, we will be confirming what we are referring to, and of course, we will provide you with all the information so that you can come and see us.
We continue…