
In the digital age in which we live, convenience and efficiency are key aspects that we seek in all areas of our lives. And when it comes to controlling our installations, whether in the home, office or any other space, Adquio is at the forefront of innovation. We are pleased to introduce our new service...
Adquio Controllers
As you know, most programmable controllers on the market today have the same programming system. You need a software installed on a computer with the Windows® operating system, where you make the program and once finished you ‘upload’ it to the automaton through a communications cable. When we designed Adquio this system did not seem...
Cómo Adquio te ayuda en tus instalaciones Casambi
Currently, there are several alternatives for monitoring a Casambi network. We are going to introduce you to the ones we like the most for their reliability and customization possibilities. In order to consider this type of installation, we must ask ourselves several questions: How are we going to connect to the Casambi network from Adquio?...
Adquio Cloud installed locally
Adquio Cloud Installed locally? Can it possible? As you already know, one of our main products is Adquio Cloud, the platform that allows the study of historical data and real-time control of your facilities. This platform by default runs on our servers in the cloud, but… What if a customer does not want their data...
Introducing Adquio Cloud AI
Introducing Adquio Cloud AI Your company evolves and there comes a time when your needs change, you already have centralized control of your facilities, but you need to dedicate many resources to monitoring them. A control room staffed 24 hours a day, supervising all systems. Until now, Adquio Cloud BMS has allowed you all this,...
Whiy Adquio and Adquio Cloud are superior?
Why Adquio and Adquio Cloud are superior? Why Adquio and Adquio Cloud surpass all BMS in data collection and processing capacity? Why Adquio and Adquio Cloud are superior? As shown in the image, in order to provide a quality service that is differentiated in reliability and security, In addition to creating a very powerful, friendly...
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