
Adquio Lite
Adquio pro counting people
Every few days you meet clients who ask you for quite different things, in some cases, things that are impossible, or at least you think so. On this occasion, a client asks you obtain the people who are within your premises in the different time zones of the day . For the moment, you tell...
You know that today, mobile phone processors are starting to catch up with desktop computer processors, and recently you have seen, as Apple ™ has shown, outperform them. You know there is a big difference between them ARM processors compete in power, but also in low power consumption and heat produced . When they told...
adquio updating from cloud
In all the time that you have been installing controllers in your company, whenever you leave a finished installation, you are left with the same feeling, “there it stays working, but … what will happen tomorrow?”. You like technology and you stay informed, and every time you come across a news from You like technology...
    In your company you do air conditioning, lighting and control installations throughout the country, all of them with controllers from a well-known brand. On many occasions, when it is necessary to modify the programming of one of these systems, you have a huge problem, since the drivers are only physically accessible where they...
“The safe devices for the control, collection and study data of latest generation”. Made up of 3 elements, #adquio_pro, #adquio_lite and #adquio_mini, all of them with the same computing power, but with different levels of connectivity. All your communications are encrypted and our system remains updated automatically. We integrate a UPS that protects the system...
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